Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"We Leave Nobody Behind" Didn't Apply...

Graphic by Lady Jag.

Quoting directly from Dave Blount at Moonbattery

Just in case there is anyone on earth gullible enough to believe the Obama Regime’s claims that the Apologizer in Chief didn’t know from the beginning what was going on in Benghazi, a little inside baseball, compliments of a caller to El Rushbo whose account rings true:
“I wanted to speak to the question of when the president knew and why Secretary Panetta refused to support the CIA annex request either to move to the consulate or to reinforce. Within a few minutes of the consulate being under attack — I’m a retired lieutenant colonel special operations planner for 15 years — the personal security detail for the ambassador notified the communications room in Tripoli who then, on the top secret side, sent a message to the White House Situation Room that the ambassador was in peril, okay? And they did that by code word and it would have been within minutes of the attack commencing. …
“Certain things go right to the person that’s standing next to the president, both military and civilian leadership. So he would have known within minutes or it’s supposed to be informed within minutes because an ambassador is a four-star equivalent, very high, very important person, you know, represents the president and essentially is the president’s — you know, is the surrogate of the president in that country. So the White House cannot deny that the president knew immediately. …
“On the top secret side, a flash traffic message from the embassy Tripoli to the White House Situation Room, it’s like an IM. I mean, it’s immediately responded to. You have to acknowledge receipt of it. Okay? So it’s immediate. It gets to the person, the watch officer sitting there, boom, flashes on his screen, he has to acknowledge receipt. And then there’s a protocol for who he then sends it to. He physically turns to someone, the senior guy on watch, “This is a critical element of information. POTUS needs to hear this,” and that’s what would have happened.
“So no one in the White House can deny that — well, they can deny it, but the fact is the protocol says someone marched their happy little ass up to the senior guy standing next to POTUS and said, “Sir, ambassador in Libya is in peril.” And if he was missing, that is even a higher precedence. And then the chain would have also gone out automatically to the geographic combatant commander, AFRICOM, and he would have then turned to his special operations commander and said, “I want the In-Extremis Force, you know, strip ready in five minutes.” And evidently they were strip ready in Sigonella and they would have the assets to penetrate the airspace, you know, an MC-130 papa, which is a C-130 specially equipped with electronic countermeasures. They didn’t need permission to enter Libyan airspace, okay?
“I’m giving you a lot of Inside Baseball stuff, and maybe putting myself in a little peril by doing it, but the In-Extremis Force, they would have been chomping at the bit to do this. It was turned down, POTUS, at his five p.m. Eastern time meeting with the principals, that’s when he put the kibosh on everything. It was a conscious act. It has to be because, you know, the In-Extremis Force is required to be prepared to do In-Extremis non-combatant evacuation operations for its geographic responsibility, the entire continent of Africa. So there’s always somebody ready to go, and the aircraft are always prepared to go.”
The bottom line: Barack Hussein Obama has American blood on his hands.

Monday, October 29, 2012

More and More Information

As more information becomes available to the public regarding the Benghazi attack, it is becoming more and more clear that this administration has
a) refused to allow adequate security to the endangered embassy
b) refused to allow help to be sent to the embassy once under actual attack
c) watched as the tragedy unfolded
d) ordered help not to be given
e) disciplined a general who decided to help anyway
f) was briefed on the connections to Al Qaeda and affiliates
g) decided to link the attacks instead to a YouTube film
h) repeatedly denied the seriousness of the attacks and the faulty cause
i) repeatedly denied that they are doing so

Now, although the President has stated he accepts responsibility, in the next breath he says he will find whoever is responsible and hold them accountable.  Well, Mr President, that is you.  You need to resign, and take with you all who aided you in your deception, including, but not limited to Sec. Panetta, Sec. Clinton, Gen Petraeous, Jay Carney, and certainly VP Biden (if for nothing other than his incredibly insensitive remark to the father of murdered Navy Seal Tyrone Woods). 

This is a scandal that makes Watergate look paltry by comparison.  Sooner or later even the lapdog media will have to start to carry this, and the American people must know the character of the man they elected four years ago.  He threw the military under the bus long ago, along with the Constitution, and he continues to blame everyone for his troubles but himself.  In just a week, America has the opportunity to choose the course of the next four years.  I pray to God it is not more of the same. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Now Isn't This Interesting....

  Navy Replaces Admiral Leading Mideast Strike Group Because of Ongoing Investigation

Full Story below...


I wonder what this Admiral did that got him relieved.... I guess we just need to watch this.  It could be very very interesting.  Wonder if it happened before they got to the theater of operations. Hmmm.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

More Information on the Horror at Benghazi

TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — It began around nightfall on Sept. 11 with around 150 bearded gunmen, some wearing the Afghan-style tunics favored by Islamic militants, sealing off the streets leading to the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi. They set up roadblocks with pick-up trucks mounted with heavy machine guns, according to witnesses.

The trucks bore the logo of Ansar al-Shariah, a powerful local group of Islamist militants who worked with the municipal government to manage security in Benghazi, the main city in eastern Libya and birthplace of the uprising last year that ousted Moammar Gadhafi after a 42-year dictatorship.

There was no sign of a spontaneous protest against an American-made movie denigrating Islam’s Prophet Muhammad. But a lawyer passing by the scene said he saw the militants gathering around 20 youths from nearby to chant against the film. Within an hour or so, the assault began, guns blazing as the militants blasted into the compound.

One of the consulate’s private Libyan guards said masked militants grabbed him and beat him, one of them calling him “an infidel protecting infidels who insulted the prophet.” [...]

The past week, the AP has gathered accounts from five witnesses, including one of the embassy guards and several people living next door to the consulate compound who were present when the militants first moved in. Most spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals for talking about the attack.

The neighbors all described the militants setting up checkpoints around the compound at about 8 p.m. The State Department’s timeline says the attack itself began at around 9:40 p.m.

Khaled al-Haddar, a lawyer who passed by the scene as he headed to his nearby home, said he saw the fighters gathering a few youths from among passers-by and urged them to chant against the film.

“I am certain they had planned to do something like this, I don’t know if it was hours or days, but it was definitely planned,” said al-Haddar. “From the way they set up the checkpoints and gathered people, it was very professional.”

The guard said he saw no protesters. He heard a few shouts of “God is great,” then a barrage of automatic weapons fire and rocket-propelled grenades began, along with barrages from heavy machine guns mounted on trucks.

The attackers set fire to the main consulate building. Stevens and another staffer, caught inside amid the confusion, died of smoke inhalation.

The attack came from the front and the side. A neighbor whose house is on side of the consulate compound said militants with their faces wrapped in scarves attacking.

Because of the checkpoints, “it felt like our neighborhood was occupied, no one could get out or in,” he said.

The effectiveness of the roadblocks was later revealed in the State Department’s account of the evacuation. It described how the rescue force came under heavy fire and grenade attacks as they tried to leave the consulate area.

They evacuated staffers to a security compound across town, where they continued to come under fire. A precision mortar hit the compound’s building at 4 a.m., killing two other Americans.


Friday, October 26, 2012

This Is Too Evil To Believe.

Fox News is reporting that Secretary Clinton ordered more security at the Benghazi Embassy before it was attacked, and President Obama denied the request.  This, after reports that there were drones overhead during the attack, and nothing was done to aid or assist the embassy personnel. 

Anyone who votes to continue this administration is either willfully ignorant, and has my disdain, or purposefully participatory in the evil it is perpetrating.  For that, they have my unmitigated disgust and loathing. 

America needs to choose carefully what it wishes to lead this country into:  servitude to government in return for food stamps and free cell phones, or freedom at the hard cost of personal responsibility and service to the country.  Choose wisely, America, the margin for changing your mind is getting smaller.  Fast. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

After the Debate, What Has Changed?

"I inherited a mess."
"It's someone else's fault."
"I saved the nation."
"Blah, blah, blah."
"Yada, yada, yada."
"bin Laden is dead."
"bin Laden is dead."
"bin Laden is dead."
That being said,
...that bin Laden is dead,
...what else does Barack Obama have?
Everything he says is so much bull...I guess he feels little white lies never hurt anyone.
Oh my goodness, was that a 'dog whistle' on my part?

Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any bull?
Yes, sir, yes, sir,
Three bags full;

Thank you William Gensert, I couldn't have said it better.   

Oh yes, and Naval ships are the same as horses......

Saturday, October 20, 2012

When Will We Learn What We Should Already Know?

Straight from Commander Salamander, because there just isn't any better way to say it.  
(With sincerest apologies to Mister Kipling)

The Gods of the Naval Engagements

As I sail crosst the world’s big blue oceans, from every shoal and reef,
I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Power Point Brief.
Seen through LCD magic, I watch them promise and pledge,
But the Gods of the Naval Engagements, warn that we not lose our edge.

We were six hundred ships when they met us. They showed us without doubt,
That a balanced fleet is important, and we shouldn’t leave anything out.
But we found they were not Transformational, nor pursuing the next shiny light,
So we said that we wanted a Navy, whose job it was not to fight.

We made sure we got face time with Admirals, they seemed to prefer the Chiefs,
Not having to justify billets, like the Gods of the Power Point Briefs,
They told us when we were dreaming, and when our ideas would not work,
But we said they didn’t understand us, or were hidebound Cold War jerks.

With the Hopes the Thousand Ship Navy, they seemed totally out of touch,
They said most of our allies can’t help us, and the ones that can, won’t much;
They denied that they’d challenge the Russians, or sail with us to hostile ports,
So we worshipped the Power Point Briefers, and their hundred-and-four slide reports.

We championed “Optimal Manning”, a big savings in manpower alone,
A skeleton crew was sufficient, and shipboard maintenance postponed.
But in a short time things got rusty, and our equipment gave out or it quit,
The Gods of the Naval Engagements reminded: "Unmaintained ships go to shit." 

Diversity, we said, made us stronger, it would help us in battle, to win,
By selecting not the most qualified, but by quotas and color of skin,
Till our Sailors were so disenchanted, and doubted Diversity’s claim,
And the Gods of the Naval Engagements said: "Fairness is being treated the same." 

We no longer put vessels in mothballs, and threw away still-useful ships, 
Till Navy strength dropped past 300, with hardly a hull on the slips. Our global adversaries took notice, and contemplated war on two fronts, 
And the Gods of the Naval Engagements said: "You can’t be two places at once."

We gave us a 50-knot “sea frame”, and said we should build fifty-five,
Built for Littoral Combat, where we admitted it wouldn’t survive,
A pitifully small pop-gun up forward, short range and a maintenance fright,
And the Gods of the Naval Engagements said “Warships must be built to fight!”
Then the Gods of the Power Point tumbled, and the Navy admitted it erred,
With time spent on meaningless training, things of which no warrior cared.
We found we had lost naval gunfire, mine-countermine, and auxiliaries, too,
And the Gods of the Naval Engagements, dusted off old lessons anew.

“This transformational nonsense, it keeps us from doing things right, 
Those who win wars must be warriors, and the Navy stand ready to fight. 
In tough, sturdy, powerful warships, with trained and disciplined crews,
Will deter the enemy most times, and win far more fights than they’ll lose.

The direction in which we are heading, will find our fleet second-rate,
A Mahanian challenge from China or a nuclear Mid-Eastern state.
They may deny us strategic access, or make us abandon our friends,
 In a world once whose oceans and sea lanes, our Navy controlled end to end.

For the Navy exists to fight wars, and maintain control of the seas, 
With trade and free navigation, to go unhindered wherever we please. Ignore history’s lessons at your peril, but don’t think your enemies would,
And build a Navy for fighting and not some damned Force for Good!”     

Friday, October 19, 2012

He Said Allahu Akbar-The Attack On Fort Hood

To call this attack "workplace violence" and not terrorism, to deny it is rooted in Islam, is nothing short of criminal.  Three years he has been in custody, three years 13 soldiers, one pregnant, have been dead, and justice is not accomplished.  Not even begun.  There have been no purple hearts awarded, and the families have not been accorded the status of survivors of combat deceased veterans.  I am sorry to say I had thought this was resolved until recently.  Why hasn't that terrorist been held down and forcibly shaved, tried and executed already?  He wanted to go to his god, let him.  He will find it isn't what he thinks. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Couldn't let this one pass.... Does Chris Matthews seriously believe that it is not constitutional to tell the President to wait his turn during the debate?  Well, they do call him the Chicago Jesus, I guess. 

Obama Loves the Poor So Much, He wants Us All to Be Poor.

Another term, and we are done as a country.  

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

They Gotta be Kidding!

Experts: Global Warming Means More Antarctic Ice. 
That is an actual AP headline.  One of the statements asserts that "It is the new kind of ice which is created by heat, rather than cold."

Dear Lord, they truly think we are idiots.  Sadly, there are idiots who will believe this.  

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

All This For a Flag? Yes, Michelle.

A Soldier sprints to the formation while carrying an American Flag during the New York City Tunnel to Towers Run, Sept. 30. United States Military Academy at West Point cadets and FDNY firefighters lined the final stretch of the run. The run is in support of the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation, which works to build homes for injured troops and provide scholarships to the children of fallen service members and firefighters. Siller was an off-duty New York City firefighter who headed back to the city to help after the attacks on 9/11. When he reached as far as car traffic would allow he strapped his 65 pounds of gear on ran through the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel to join his fellow firefighters. The 5km run retraces his steps to the base of the World Trade Center. Siller died while helping with the rescue effort.
Photo and blurb from US Army Flicker Stream
Hat tip Donovan at Castle Argh.