Thursday, February 28, 2013
Ú-chebin Estel anim
The quote refers to Tolkien, and is what Aragorn replied when Elrond said "I have given Hope to mankind". Aragorn said "I have kept no hope for myself."
I am rapidly losing hope for my country. I see the population shifting from one of responsibility, hard work, and determination, to one of shiftlessness, whining, and entitlement. I see the lack of concern for truth, for leadership, even in our President, unless of course, it is the other political party. We accept things our parents would never have allowed, did not allow, we encourage the demeaning of morality, the mocking of religion and ethics, and the lowering of expectations in literacy, personal behavior and accountability.
We have changed from a country that welcomes those who wish to escape hardships and poverty and become Americans in every way, and become a nation who is changing to become those very countries from which people sought to escape, absorbing the values that brought about the very soul crushing poverty and political tyranny from which they ran.
We no longer mostly work to achieve our goals, we vote to take what others have achieved away from them and distribute it to others, often ourselves, instead.
”Ai! laurië lantar lassi súrinen,
yéni únótimë ve rámar aldaron!
Yéni ve lintë yuldar avánier
mi oromardi lissë-miruvóreva
Andúnë pella, Vardo tellumar
nu luini yassen tintilar i eleni
ómaryo airetári-lírinen.
Sí man i yulma nin enquantuva?
An sí Tintallë Varda Oiolossëo
ve fanyar máryat Elentári ortanë
ar ilyë tier undulávë lumbulë
ar sindanóriello caita mornië
i falmalinnar imbë met,
ar hísië untúpa Calaciryo míri oialë.
Sí vanwa ná, Rómello vanwa, Valimar!
Namárië! Nai hiruvalyë Valimar!
Nai elyë hiruva! Namárië!”
Monday, February 25, 2013
Eleven States With More People on Welfare than Employed
Straight from Michael Savage (link here) If you look at the states, the ones with a current Republican governor are split between having a Republican voting record, largely, (SC, AL, MS) and those mostly voting Democratic (ME, OH, NM). The states with Democrat governors are pretty strongly Blue voters. Hmmm. Looks like there might be a correlation between political party affiliation and likelihood of entitlement overload. Of course there are other factors to look at, but.....
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
If Obama Knew Sequestration Was Bad (and he did) Why Did He Sign It?
Navy: Lincoln Refueling Delayed, Will Hurt Carrier Readiness
By: USNI News Editor
The aircraft carriers USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69), USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), USS Enterprise (CVN-65), USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75), and USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) are in port at Naval Station Norfolk, Va. US Navy Photo
The U.S. Navy will delay the refueling of the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) for an unknown period because of the uncertain fiscal environment due to the ongoing legislative struggle, the service told Congress in a Friday message obtained by USNI News.
Lincoln was scheduled to be moved to Huntington Ingalls Industries’ (HII) Newport News Shipyard later this month to begin the 4-year refueling and complex overhaul (RCOH) of the ship.
“This delay is due to uncertainty in the Fiscal Year 2013 appropriations bill, both in the timing and funding level available for the first full year of the contract,” the message said.
“CVN-72 will remain at Norfolk Naval Base where the ships force personnel will continue to conduct routine maintenance until sufficient funding is received for the initial execution of the RCOH.”
Rep. J. Randy Forbes (R-Va.) chairman of the House Armed Services Seapower subcommittee released a statement denouncing the need for decision.
Forbes called the delay, “another example of how these reckless and irresponsible defense cuts in Washington will have a long-term impact on the Navy’s ability to perform its missions. Not only will the Lincoln be delayed in returning to the Fleet, but this decision will also affect the USS Enterprise (CVN-65) defueling, the USS George Washington (CVN-73) RCOH, and future carrier readiness.”
Looking at the picture, I am struck by the resemblance of Norfolk Naval Base to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in 1941. There is just so much wrong with what is going on here, sequestration and grouping of ships is just a beginning.
Down The Road a Bit
Ah, the wonders of a government run healthcare system, like Canada's. I have a friend at work who thinks Canada's health care is fabulous... free and abundant. Except she hasn't run into this sort of thing.
"An 87-year-old Toronto woman died in December after waiting three hours with abdominal pain for an ambulance that was delayed "due to limited resources," a CBC investigation reveals."
Yep, seven ambulances were dispatched to her, each being diverted on the way, because her age and complaint made her a low priority. By the time someone actually got to her, she had no vital signs, in other words, she was dead. Too bad, those who were younger were more important anyway. And this, Gentle Reader, is what we are heading towards at a gallop with Obamacare. I hope all you liberal fools who voted for it enjoy the devastation it wreaks before it sucks the life out of you. More expensive, less versatile, dependence causing.... great stuff for liberals.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
So God Made a Democrat
Originally posted on FrontPageMagazine

God looked down on Washington D.C. and said “I need someone who will steal morning, noon and night. Who will steal from the rich to give to the poor and steal from the poor to give to the rich and fool them all and keep all the loot.”
So God made a Democrat.
God said, “I need college man to come to a farm and tell the farmer that he can’t feed his hogs with lettuce from his own farm or use the manure from his pigs to grow his lettuce. I need an inspector who will tell him how much he can sell his milk for and warn him that his son riding on the tractor constitutes child labor. I need someone to pay a farmer not to farm so that poor people can’t afford bread.”
So God made a Democrat.
“I want a union organizer who hires non-union picketers to keep workers from working, a politician who fights for the people by taking money from billionaires and a clergyman who worships whoever runs on the party line. I want a banker who fights for the poor and gives to the party and a party that pays the poor man eight times to vote for the banker’s man.”
So God made a Democrat.
“I need someone to retire at 55 with generous benefits from a government job. I need lawmakers who will pass laws without reading them. I need teachers who refuse to teach kids unless they’re paid twice as much as any worker in their city. I need people to sit on commissions and make rules about lines of work that they’ve never been in.”
So God made a Democrat
“I need a Catholic who’s for abortion. A Jew who’s for Palestine. A Mormon who’s against the Church. A Baptist who’s for evolution. A Methodist who doesn’t believe in god. And a Muslim who believes in destroying America.”
So God made a Democrat.
He said, “I need someone who starts all the wars and protests against all the wars. Who is first in line to sign up to fight against his country but comes out as a pacifist when it’s time to defend it. I want war heroes who throw their medals over fences and then gather them up again when it’s time to run for office. I want men who are for everything before they’re against it”
So God made a Democrat.
“I need a working class man who who has never worked a day in his life, but always talks about caring for those who do. I need a man who talks all the time about helping women, blacks, lesbians, Eskimos and Martians get ahead and then drops them like a dirty rag when he has what he wants. A man who gets up at 11:30 in the afternoon to help the less fortunate by passing laws that will make them even less fortunate. A man who takes nine tenths of what’s meant for the poor and lets them have the leftovers.”
So God made a Democrat.
“I need a man who believes in himself too much to take responsibility for anything he did. I need a man who is tolerantly intolerant, who is outraged all day by everything in the world except his own outrageous behavior. I need a man who is for freedom of speech except when he’s offended, for freedom of religion except when he disagrees with it and for the right to bear arms but only for those weapons that existed in 1791.”
So God made a Democrat.
God said, “I need a party of jackasses that will always break through the fence and spoil everything that the farmer grows. I need bad men to test good men and liars, cheats and thieves with clipboards to teach neighbors to stick together against them. I need a man with no more conscience than a rattlesnake leading a band of fools with less sense than sheep. And I need him to keep the farmers and ranchers, the workers and doers on their toes so they always remember that evil never rests and keeping it down can sometimes be the hardest work of all.”
So God made a Democrat.
So true it makes me weep. Unfortunately, the Repuplicans are not doing so well at convincing me they are otherwise.
God looked down on Washington D.C. and said “I need someone who will steal morning, noon and night. Who will steal from the rich to give to the poor and steal from the poor to give to the rich and fool them all and keep all the loot.”
So God made a Democrat.
God said, “I need college man to come to a farm and tell the farmer that he can’t feed his hogs with lettuce from his own farm or use the manure from his pigs to grow his lettuce. I need an inspector who will tell him how much he can sell his milk for and warn him that his son riding on the tractor constitutes child labor. I need someone to pay a farmer not to farm so that poor people can’t afford bread.”
So God made a Democrat.
“I want a union organizer who hires non-union picketers to keep workers from working, a politician who fights for the people by taking money from billionaires and a clergyman who worships whoever runs on the party line. I want a banker who fights for the poor and gives to the party and a party that pays the poor man eight times to vote for the banker’s man.”
So God made a Democrat.
“I need someone to retire at 55 with generous benefits from a government job. I need lawmakers who will pass laws without reading them. I need teachers who refuse to teach kids unless they’re paid twice as much as any worker in their city. I need people to sit on commissions and make rules about lines of work that they’ve never been in.”
So God made a Democrat
“I need a Catholic who’s for abortion. A Jew who’s for Palestine. A Mormon who’s against the Church. A Baptist who’s for evolution. A Methodist who doesn’t believe in god. And a Muslim who believes in destroying America.”
So God made a Democrat.
He said, “I need someone who starts all the wars and protests against all the wars. Who is first in line to sign up to fight against his country but comes out as a pacifist when it’s time to defend it. I want war heroes who throw their medals over fences and then gather them up again when it’s time to run for office. I want men who are for everything before they’re against it”
So God made a Democrat.
“I need a working class man who who has never worked a day in his life, but always talks about caring for those who do. I need a man who talks all the time about helping women, blacks, lesbians, Eskimos and Martians get ahead and then drops them like a dirty rag when he has what he wants. A man who gets up at 11:30 in the afternoon to help the less fortunate by passing laws that will make them even less fortunate. A man who takes nine tenths of what’s meant for the poor and lets them have the leftovers.”
So God made a Democrat.
“I need a man who believes in himself too much to take responsibility for anything he did. I need a man who is tolerantly intolerant, who is outraged all day by everything in the world except his own outrageous behavior. I need a man who is for freedom of speech except when he’s offended, for freedom of religion except when he disagrees with it and for the right to bear arms but only for those weapons that existed in 1791.”
So God made a Democrat.
God said, “I need a party of jackasses that will always break through the fence and spoil everything that the farmer grows. I need bad men to test good men and liars, cheats and thieves with clipboards to teach neighbors to stick together against them. I need a man with no more conscience than a rattlesnake leading a band of fools with less sense than sheep. And I need him to keep the farmers and ranchers, the workers and doers on their toes so they always remember that evil never rests and keeping it down can sometimes be the hardest work of all.”
So God made a Democrat.
So true it makes me weep. Unfortunately, the Repuplicans are not doing so well at convincing me they are otherwise.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Islamaphobia? No, Just Disgust.
Saudi Arabia: Islamic cleric rapes, tortures, kills daughter, pays fine. Examiner story here
This beautiful girl was brutally tortured and killed by the one man she should have been able to trust completely... her father. Because sharia law doesn't allow the execution of a father for the killing of his child (or wife, the real war on women) even though he confessed to the heinous crime, he was required to pay a small fine, but not to serve time in jail. He told police he used a cane and cables to crush her skull, break her ribs and arm, give her burns and contusions, and rip her fingernail off. Her rectum had also been torn open, and burned. For this, he paid a pittance. She paid with her life.
Cogent to this is the Muslim cleric Sheik Abdul Daoud issuing a fatwa calling for even baby girls to wear burkas. Any religion that blames the rape of a baby on the baby is truly evil. God will surely hold these evil men accountable when they stand before His throne, and they should tremble at the thought. To harm a child is horrible, to blame the child, worse yet. To blame future rapes on children not yet even born, relieving these evil men of all responsibility in their deeds, is beyond belief.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Disgusting. But Then, It is Obama...
Obama Eliminates Breakfast for US Troops in Afghanistan
Full story from here
"If only American soldiers in Afghanistan were unemployed Democratic voters in Chicago, then they might be getting three square meals a day from the government.
But the military is the one place that Obama feels comfortable slashing expenses. While spending at an uncontrollable rate unseen since the last days of the Roman Empire in every other area, Obama has been cutting “waste” in the military like 20,000 Marines, Tricare healthcare for veterans and breakfast for soldiers serving in areas where he would only venture accompanied by heavy firepower.
Warren Buffett and other crony capitalists can pig out on Obama’s trillion dollar deficits. As for the troops. Let them ear MRE’s."
This man has the arrogance of a Caesar. One can only hope he goes the same way as them, into ridicule or obscurity, like Nero or Claudius. Or maybe he is more like George III, loony as can be, and that is how history will remember him. But not, of course, as long as the media has a mission to make him out to be the next Jesus, the next messiah of the world. The only thing he is interested in saving is his own butt and his left wing radical agenda. Hypocritical, arrogant, lying, thieving, dictitorial, do I need to add any more? Or can I just say that I really really can't wait until 2014, and then 2016. I sure hope we last that long. Right now, I don't have a lot of confidence.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Depressingly True
The full piece is here, and it says exactly what I have been thinking recently. I will let Grim say it for you, and leave you with the graphic I found there that perfectly illustrates the problem.

illegal aliens,
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