Hamas has begun to target Jerusalem.... Israel will take whatever steps are necessary to protect itself, but most especially this city. I am relieved to see that our Senate has passed a unanimous resolution backing Israel in this. How long has Hamas been throwing rockets at Israel with hardly a peep from the press or the Congress? Of course, now that Israel is having the unmitigated fortitude to send death winging toward gaza, protests abound, calling them the aggressors and killers. Israel doesn't send suicide bombers to blow up school buses or marketplaces or specifically target children, as Hamas (and others) do.
Israel's strikes have changed their focus to clearing a path for their ground troops to move along. The ground strike is a matter of a day or two away, I would think. I have friends in Jerusalem, God hold them in His hand. One will surely be firing a rifle, God guide his hand.
There is more news on the Benghazi front, as well. It seems Gen Petraeus will redeem himself and stop spouting the party line, tell the truth after all. Good on you, General.
He reports that terrorism and Al Queda were in the first set of talking points, acknowledged roots. Then it all changed, one would assume because it didn't fit with the President's talking points of Al Queda being on the run and no longer a threat.
Yesterday, the acting director, Michael Morell, stated that the CIA never requested help for the fight. Back in October, Fox News reported that three separate requests had been sent, and certainly the US Navy Seal, Tyrone Woods, assumed there was help coming, since that would be the only reason to use that laser targeted he had lit up. It was his death, since no one came to target the bad guys, and they used it to target him.
One direct question must be asked.... Was President Obama present and making decisions? There are some eye witnesses who say yes, and the official word is no, this needs resolution. If yes, it is all his. If not, why the hell not?
Hillary will be testifying, I hear. I hope she got to taste enough wine first. (Sarcasm font off) it will be interesting to hear what she says. I think she will surely want to run in 2016, so the question is, what is the best thing for her to say to further that ambition. Truth may be it. Then again, maybe not. Depends. Jaded, you say? Maybe. Honest, I think.