Monday, December 31, 2012

And We Are Backing These Barbarians....

Today's Daily Mail article

Syria rebels 'beheaded a Christian and fed him to the dogs' as fears grow over Islamist atrocities

Syrian rebels beheaded a Christian man and fed his body to dogs, according to a nun who says the West is ignoring atrocities committed by Islamic extremists.
The nun said taxi driver Andrei Arbashe, 38, was kidnapped after his brother was heard complaining that fighters against the ruling regime behaved like bandits.
She said his headless corpse was found by the side of the road, surrounded by hungry dogs. He had recently married and was soon to be a father.

Sister Agnes-Mariam de la Croix said: ‘His only crime was his brother criticised the rebels, accused them of acting like bandits, which is what they are.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Good Leads. Right.

If someone he cared about had been killed, you can bet there would have been a lot more done by now. It is like Ft Hood... Three years later and the only accomplishment is to let that bastard grow a beard. But since we will undoubtedly let him get away with murder and terrorism, what is a little breach of the UCMJ after all?

In Benghazi, this administration has no reason to push for justice, and every reason to obfuscate. The administration promising complete transparency is the most deceptive in my lifetime. No politician is honest, but these clowns take the cake. The really sad part, or perhaps it is more scary than sad, is that there is a substantial number of Obamabots who positively worship him.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Time, and past time, to bring them home. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Riu Riu Chiu!

One of my favorites, rejoice oh faithful!

Be Wise!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Obama Defines Narcissism

Just look in the dictionary, and there is his photo under Narcissism, pathological.  When Neil Armstrong died, the Obama photo of the day was of Obama looking at the moon.  When Navy Seals died, he used that as a photo op, the Connecticut tragedy, another opportunity to get his face out there, Sandy, same thing.  The instances are legion.  The man is scary, just scary.  And his worshipers are even scarier!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ft Hood Justice... Missing in Action

I am so sick of this.... just hang the bastard.  There isn't any question as to whether he did it, nor even why.  Get it over with, and give the families of the victims he murdered some closure. 

FORT HOOD, Texas (AP) — The Army psychiatrist charged in the deadly Fort Hood shooting rampage will be allowed to keep his beard during his military trial.
The new judge overseeing Maj. Nidal Hasan’s case told Hasan during a Tuesday hearing that the beard is a violation of Army regulations. But the judge, Col. Tara Osborn, said she won’t hold it against him.
Hasan answered her questions, saying he grew the beard voluntarily. He previously said his Muslim faith requires it.
Hasan faces the death penalty if convicted in the 2009 rampage that killed 13 and wounded more than two dozen others on the Texas Army post. His trial date hasn’t been set.
A military appeals court recently ousted the former judge and tossed his order requiring Hasan to be forcibly shaved before his trial.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Praying. Just Praying.

For the children and staff, and their families. 

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you;he will never let the righteous fall.
                 Psalms 55:22

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A mother's Nightmare

My daughter has been in a bad car crash, friends.  I have spent the night in ICU with her.  Stable, but not good.
Please hold her in your prayers.

Meghan is home!  The fact that she survived is pretty miraculous on its own, but for her to be home on the 5th day is amazing.  God is so very strong.  She has very serious injuries and has a long and painful road to recovery, but she is on that road.  

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Syrian priest tortured to death by Islamists: Eyes gouged out before murdered

Click on the headline for the full Examiner article.   These animals are the same people the Brits and we are considering aiding.  Who could possibly think this could end well?

Christians in Syria are being horribly brutilized, maimed, killed, driven out, raped and whatever evils you can think about.  Why in God's name do we even consider allying ourselves with these people?  What possible advantage could it give us?  What possible reason could the authors of this dangerous policy have to throw in our lot with such vicious creatures?  Has it ever turned out well in the past?  Let's see....

Monday, December 10, 2012

Just Two Coins...Our Doom Approaches

In a perfectly serious article in the Washington Post, it was actually suggested that minting just two coins could solve our present fiscal crisis. Yep, easy, peasy.

Through a odd bit of tradition, created to allow the Treasury to mint commemorative coins, there is no limit to the number of platinum coins the Treasury can mint, nor their value. Terrific... Just mint two coins each worth one trillion dollars, transfer it into the Federal Reserve accounts... Presto changeo, fiscal cliff averted! An extra two trillion to spend! The author quotes Josheph Gagnon of the Peterson Institute for International Economics as saying "there is nothing that’s obviously economically problematic about it".

You don't have to be an economist to know that printing (or coining) money like that will just devalue the dollar and drive inflation insanely up. The absolute childishness of the suggestion leaves me breathless.    The author does mention the political ramifications, , and other minor inconveniences, but really, can anyone seriously contemplate this idea? Evidently, yes.  Dear God, we are doomed!

Congress, Honorable? Hah! Don't Make Me Laugh!



Friday, December 7, 2012

Obama, Obama, Obama

WhaCha Doin' Now?

Obama to take corporate cash for inauguration


Obama Invites South Korean Rapper Who Once Rapped About Torturing And Murdering U.S. Troops And Their Families To The White House…  

About to go to Hawaii on yet another taxpayer funded vacation costing way more than I made this year, Obama says

“Everyone is going to have to share in some sacrifice,” Obama said, speaking at a private home in Northern Virginia. “But it starts with folks who are in the best position to sacrifice."


Obama calls Egypt’s Morsi to complain about riots, not human rights

NYT: Obama retreating on “red line” for Syrian chemical weapons

 Yes, Corporate America, there is a Santa Claus! His name is Barack Obama and, as explains, he’s stuffing the stockings of his fat-cat friends with your tax dollars. h/t The Other McCain

And just because a little (black) humor is a good thing...



"High on a Mountaintop" Tribute to the Heroes of Benghazi by Chris Cassone

Because we must not forget this, nor let it go.  I know where the four who died are, may God hold them in His hand.  But where are the ones they saved?  Why haven't we heard of hide nor hair from the 20 plus people that the Seals pulled safely out of the fire? 

Sure, Totally Sustainable....

'Welfare Spending Equates to $168 Per Day for Every Household in Poverty'

 graphic and story from the Weekly Standard Blog...

Nothing to see here folks, move along. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Humour in Truth

 Full story here thanks to Wesley Pruden at

Negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians can't go anywhere good. Both Arab and Jew know it. Barack Obama poses as the honest broker, but he, too, knows that talk of a lasting resolution of differences is 100-proof moonshine.
The Palestinians won't settle for anything less than all Israelis dead, or shipped off to somewhere far away. The Israelis, unreasonable as they may seem in the salons of the West, are determined not to settle for anything less than survival.

What? Surely They Jest?

 Judge in trial of Fort Hood jihad mass murderer removed for bias for requiring shaving of his beard

Read more here from Fox News release of the AP story. 

What the hell is wrong with this place?  The regs are clear, Nidal needs to shave.  To rule so makes the judge biased?  To follow the rules makes him unable to be objective in interpreting the law?  The Court of Appeals is the one not able to be objective.  They are far too interested in appearing pro Muslim to actually care about the law.  Sure, the article says the ruling isn't necessarily negated, but the message to the next judge is clear... be a dhimmi or be dismissed.  

It is consistent that the courts are always far more concerned about the rights of the criminal than the rights of the victim or the victim's family.  Or for that matter, the future victims.  Sure, they are accused not convicted until the end of the trial, but to coddle them to the extent the courts do ensures justice is seldom actually achieved.  I don't want medieval justice, just a reasonable time frame and reasonable treatment.  There really isn't any question as to Nidal's guilt here, the only question now is can the slimebag defense attorneys find a way to cheat the families of the people he murdered of any closure or justice.  

The man who shot Gabriel Giffords has already been tried and sentenced.  That was just a year ago.  Nidal's trial hasn't even begun for the murders he committed over three years ago.  Gee, I wonder why?  Could it be that the victims are unimportant to the legal system?  Or perhaps there are things that will come out in the trial that will prove to be an embarrassment to the Army, and others.   Certainly the Army did everything it could to ignore the mounting evidence of Nidal's growing radicalism.  Perhaps they are more interested in covering their own iniquities than in justice for the slain, or protection for the living.  Typical.  


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Death Boards, By Any Other Name

This is what is coming down the road with Obamacare.  This is what the people of America have voted into being.  This is what God will surely hold us fully accountable for, showing us our iniquity when we stand before him.

Sick and disabled babies now being murdered in the UK, to save money.  They denied it, but doctors have now come forward to admit what they have done.  Read the Daily Mail article.  I can't stomach it, myself.  Bad enough to kill off the old and infirm because they aren't useful anymore.  Think it won't happen here folks?  WAKE UP SHEEPLE!

Now sick babies go on death pathway: Doctor's haunting testimony reveals how children are put on end-of-life plan

  • Practice of withdrawing food and fluid by tube being used on young patients
  • Doctor admits starving and dehydrating ten babies to death in neonatal unit
  • Liverpool Care Pathway subject of independent inquiry ordered by ministers
  • Investigation, including child patients, will look at whether cash payments to hospitals to hit death pathway targets have influenced doctors' decisions

Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Now sick babies go on death pathway: Doctor's haunting testimony reveals how children are put on end-of-life plan

  • Practice of withdrawing food and fluid by tube being used on young patients
  • Doctor admits starving and dehydrating ten babies to death in neonatal unit
  • Liverpool Care Pathway subject of independent inquiry ordered by ministers
  • Investigation, including child patients, will look at whether cash payments to hospitals to hit death pathway targets have influenced doctors' decisions

Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

"So Called Free Speech"

Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA), the same guy who was afraid Guam would tip over from too many people, has once again put his foot firmly in his mouth.  This time, he clearly shows the way liberal Democrats think, and in a way I am sure they don't want to publicly acknowledge. 

"So, wake up! Wake up! Let’s look at what’s happening. We need a constitutional amendment to allow the legislature to control the so-called free speech rights of corporations.”

You can read the rest of the CNS news article here

Of course, in 2010, the US Supreme Court ruled a bit differently, stating that corporations had the right to freedom of speech, including the right to speak about politicians and federal officeholders during an election year.

Friday, November 23, 2012

UN Hypocrits Ignore Hamas Rockets, Condemn Israeli Response

graphic from bonfiresblog

From UN Watch

"On at least 20 separate occasions this year, the Israeli government turned to the U.N. concerning Palestinian rocket attacks, in identical letters sent to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the Security Council.

Israel urged the United Nations to act, and, at a minimum, to speak out and condemn the attacks.
“Inaction today could help ignite an escalation of conflict tomorrow,” Israel warned, while exercising astonishing measures of restraint that no country facing a similar onslaught of rockets has ever shown. Yet we are unaware of any U.N. action taken in response."

The letters are important because it legally shows that Israel tried repeatedly to get the UN to assist in efforts to stop Hamas from the shelling of Israeli territory for years. UN figures, such as Judge Richard Goldstone have publicly excoriated  Israel for not attempting diplomacy, while absolving Hamas of any wrongdoing, though his 2009 report later had to be retracted for dis-ingenuity.  

" Russian ambaasador Vitaly Churkin, who for nearly two years now has blocked any U.N. Security Council action to stop the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad from murdering more than 30,000 of his own people, lashed out this week at "procrastination on Gaza."

Can the UN be shown to be any more biased?  Sure, and they have been.  But this is so egregious that maybe people will notice.  

Nah, not until the NYTimes and its ilk notices the Hamas  crimes and reports them.  Until them, Israel will be seen to be at fault simply because of the reporting, if nothing else.   Amazing, the willful ignorance of the sheeple.  


Religion of Peace?

Recent headlines indicate otherwise. Why can't the administration say the words "Islamic terrorism"? Call it what you like, that is what it is, freely sprinkled with additional violence.


Nigeria: Four Killed in Kano 'Blasphemy'

Afghanistan suicide bomber kills 3, wounds more than 90 more

Rockets from Gaza disrupts "ceasefire" calm.

Sudan has played a key role in arming Hamas militants with sophisticated Iranian-made rockets, experts said.


Palestinians Celebrate Tel Aviv Bus Bombing – Hand Out Candy & Pray for More Body Bags


Really, do I need to go on? I could, of course. Ft hood, camp bastion, USS Cole, 9/11, the list goes on for a long long way. There are, of course, peaceful Muslims, just as there are violent Pagans (another religion known as peaceful) but the religion itself encourages violence as a regular occurence. In conversion of "infidels", in correction of Muslim apostates, in punishment of criminals, in "discipline" of women who dare to act independently, in protest of whatever isn't approved of....The list goes on.


I am very weary of the inability to call a spade a spade. A spade is not a heart. Anyone who can't see that is quite blind. Or deluded. Islam is not friendly. It certainly isn't the friend of Christianity. Or anything other than Islamic men who behave in a certain fashion. Islam will never be America's friend either, we are what they despise. Free, independent, forceful, and unwilling to submit.


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Attacks on Our Sovereign Soil Continue



Socialists, Occupiers in New Zealand assault US Consulate with shoes, remove US flag and replace with Palestinian flag

The Socialist Aotearoa group organized a march, including members of Occupy Auckland & Occupy New Zealand, and moved on the US Consulate in Auckland, New Zealand on Saturday. Claiming to be part of a “Global Peace and Justice Solidarity with Gaza March”, they shouted such chants as “Free Palestine” and threw shoes at the Consulate, a sign of disrespect in the Arab world.

How the hell did they get up there to change the flag. WHERE WAS OUR SECURITY?  Are we still not protecting our consulates and embassies?  Well, obviously not.  No lessons learned in Benghazi, nope.  Nothing to see here, folks, move along.  

A Sad Day for Florida, and America

Allen West has conceded.  Irregularities doesn't even begin to describe the mess in his district, in fact in Florida in general this election, but we are to believe that there is no voter fraud.  I surely hope the Colonel doesn't disappear from the radar.  He is far too good at holding toes to the fire. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Yes, STILL All This For a Flag

I am too angry to post tonight, having read some of the inane and infuriating liberal blather that is in some blogs.  I needed something good, and Donovan at Castle Argghhh provided it. 

Tech. Sgt. Sara Bauer and Staff Sgt. Felipe Mendoza help each other place flags above the graves of deceased U.S. military members at the Veterans Memorial Park, Bluffdale, Utah, Nov. 9, 2012. A group of volunteers from Hill Air Force Base helped the Memorial Park's staff place flags by more than 4,300 deceased U.S. military members’ graves. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Tiffany DeNault) Thanks, Gunner, I needed that.  My God,  I love my military!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Don't Give Up, Allen West!

From the Wall Street Journal article today:  "The St. Lucie County Canvassing Board missed its noon deadline to file election results to the Division of Elections, prompting campaign officials for Murphy to declare the political newcomer the winner.
Under Florida law, the final certified results were due from all of the state’s 67 supervisors of elections today. If the results do not arrive on time, the certified unofficial results submitted last Sunday stand. Those results have Murphy, a Democrat, winning by 0.58 percent. A spread of less than 0.5 percent would have triggered an automatic recount."

Tim Edson, West's campaign manager, "  said other problems arose this morning, when the recount resumed at 8 a.m. The recount showed 900 voters cast ballots in precinct 93, where there are 7 registered voters, Edson said."

Wow, do you think there might have been a little voter fraud?  Just a little?  Maybe not just there?  There were whole counties where there was not even one vote for Romney recorded.... after the Republican poll watchers were thrown out.  There were counties where 108% of the registered populace voted.  And there were people who openly stated they voted more than once foe Obama.
Military voter suppression?   You bet. 

So don't give up, COL West, it would be nice to be the cheaters once in a while.  Just this once would do. 

Economics For Idealists

I had the privilege of attending economics lectures at Illinois and listening to Milton Friedman for a semester.  I have never forgotten the lessons he taught me, and they are legion.  What a delight to hear him again. 

What Does Diversity Provide?

This man is the perfect liberal voter, unable to connect cause to effect.  Hat Tip Castle Argh.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

We Didn't Change the Talking Points!

Another toss under the bus.... this president won't take responsibility for ANYTHING!

White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes put the blame back on the Central Intelligence Agency when asked about former CIA director David Petraeus’ claim that  UN Ambassador Susan Rice’s talking points were edited to downplay al Qaida’s role in the Benghazi terrorist attack.
“[T]he only edit that was made by the White House and also by the State Department was to change the word ‘consulate’ to the word ‘diplomatic facility,’ since the facility in Benghazi was not formally a consulate,” Rhodes told reporters today during a press gaggle. “Other than that we were guided by the points that were provided by the intelligence community.”
Rhodes did not specifically acknowledge that al Qaida’s name was ever purged from the talking points. “I can’t speak to any other edits that may have been made,” he said.
Petraeus told Congress yesterday that he knew almost immediately of al Qaida’s involvement in the September 11 assault, which claimed the lives of four Americans, and that the original talking points produced by the CIA made that clear.

BTW, is anyone else worried about Jordan?

Heading to Armageddon

One must notice that this pinpoint strike on the Hamas Commander's home has TWO explosions.  First the strike blows up the house, second, the house held a massive amount of something very explosive.  With the IDF's accuracy, and Hamas' idiocy, I would say this isn't going to end well for Hamas. 
It certainly appears that the ground war is well nigh inevitable.  Something I think Hamas wants, to try to turn world favor even more against Israel.  After as many rockets as Hamas has fired at Israel, I still read a facebook post saying Hamas would come back hard against Israel any time they screwed with Hamas.  WHERE ARE YOUR EYES AND BRAINS PEOPLE? 
How long does Israel have to suffer the rockets, the suicide bombers, the snipers, before someone in the media says "Gee, Israel sure has been patient."?  Probably indefinitely, especially with this administration. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Benghazi Battlers

We're the Battling Bastards of Benghazi ,
no fame, no glory, no paparazzi.
Just a fiery death in a blazing hell,
defending the country we loved so well.
It wasn't our job, but we answered the call,
fought to the consulate, 'n scaled th' wall.
We pulled twenty countrymen from the jaws of fate,
led them to safety, 'n stood at th' gate.
Just the two of us, 'n foe by th' score,
but we stood fast to bar th' door.
We called for reinforcement, but it was denied,
so we fought, 'n we fought, 'n we fought, 'n we died.
We gave our all for our Uncle Sam,
'n Obama didn't give a damn,
just two dead SEALS, who carried the load,
no thanks to us, we were bumps in the road.

This was sent by email to Donovan at Castle Argh... too good to ignore.  

Cowards. The Taliban are Cowards.

This is how cowards defend their missile launch sites... by putting them just 1/2 mile from a playground and a mosque.  Then when Israel took out the launcher in a surgical strike on Wednesday, they scream bloody murder.  This group, and other militant rabid Islamic terrorists, have a history of using schools, mosques, houses and so forth as shields for their infamy.  Bastards, all.  And cowards. 

Oops. Really Really Oops.

Taliban spokesperson sent out a routine email last week with one notable difference.He publicly CC'd the names of everyone on his mailing list.

Just A Matter of Time


Hamas has begun to target Jerusalem.... Israel will take whatever steps are necessary to protect itself, but most especially this city. I am relieved to see that our Senate has passed a unanimous resolution backing Israel in this. How long has Hamas been throwing rockets at Israel with hardly a peep from the press or the Congress? Of course, now that Israel is having the unmitigated fortitude to send death winging toward gaza, protests abound, calling them the aggressors and killers. Israel doesn't send suicide bombers to blow up school buses or marketplaces or specifically target children, as Hamas (and others) do.

Israel's strikes have changed their focus to clearing a path for their ground troops to move along. The ground strike is a matter of a day or two away, I would think. I have friends in Jerusalem, God hold them in His hand. One will surely be firing a rifle, God guide his hand.

There is more news on the Benghazi front, as well. It seems Gen Petraeus will redeem himself and stop spouting the party line, tell the truth after all. Good on you, General.

He reports that terrorism and Al Queda were in the first set of talking points, acknowledged roots. Then it all changed, one would assume because it didn't fit with the President's talking points of Al Queda being on the run and no longer a threat.

Yesterday, the acting director, Michael Morell, stated that the CIA never requested help for the fight. Back in October, Fox News reported that three separate requests had been sent, and certainly the US Navy Seal, Tyrone Woods, assumed there was help coming, since that would be the only reason to use that laser targeted he had lit up. It was his death, since no one came to target the bad guys, and they used it to target him.

One direct question must be asked.... Was President Obama present and making decisions? There are some eye witnesses who say yes, and the official word is no, this needs resolution. If yes, it is all his. If not, why the hell not?

Hillary will be testifying, I hear. I hope she got to taste enough wine first. (Sarcasm font off) it will be interesting to hear what she says. I think she will surely want to run in 2016, so the question is, what is the best thing for her to say to further that ambition. Truth may be it. Then again, maybe not. Depends. Jaded, you say? Maybe. Honest, I think.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hamas Targets Israel...So What Else is New?


GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) - Palestinian militants targeted densely populated Tel Aviv in Israel's heartland with rockets for the first time Thursday, part of an unprecedented barrage that threatened to provoke an Israeli ground assault on Gaza. Three Israelis were killed.

Hamas might regret this, Israel doesn't mess around. You'd think they could remember the 60's over there... Not a good outcome for the Arab nations.


A Side Note on the Economy

More than 16% of America's population, nearly 50 million men, women, and children, are now at or below poverty level.  In 2008, it was 13.2%.  This is one hell of a recovery, wouldn't you say? I'm not sure I can take this much recovery. 

Benghazi Bull****

 Photo from the WaPo

 An interesting article from Hot Air.  The cover up continues.  The press conference was a laugh, Hillary is too busy wine-tasting to testify, and you can bet you won't hear the closed door testimony of Gen Petraeus.  He no longer has a reason to lie to protect himself or the administration, so let us hope he stops doing so.  I am sure tired of flag officers who are more interested in their own retirements than doing what is right and good for the military and nation.

I still think the hysteria over flag officer sexual issues (and other stuff we aren't hearing much about) has more to do with either a smoke screen to obscure something else that is going on now or going to happen in the future, or a purge to clear the way for future administration hijinks. 

Petraeus replacement to testify CIA never requested military assistance in Benghazi

posted at 8:51 am on November 15, 2012 by Ed Morrissey

So says Eli Lake of The Daily Beast, getting tips from his sources within the intelligence community.  Michael Morell, who became acting Director of Central Intelligence following the surprise resignation of David Petraeus, will appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee today to discuss the agency’s response to the attack on the Benghazi consulate.  Morell will testify that no one at the agency requested military assistance during the seven hours of the terrorist attack that killed four Americans, including two CIA operatives:
When the CIA’s acting director, Michael Morell, testifies Thursday before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, he is expected to say that the agency never requested Europe-based special operations teams, specialized Marine platoons, or armed drones on the night of the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi, Libya, according to a senior U.S. intelligence official.
The disclosure may put an end to one line of inquiry into the Benghazi affair about why reinforcements from the region were not sent on the night of the attack. “Assistance from the U.S. military was critical, and we got what we requested,” the senior U.S. intelligence official said.
According to a Pentagon timeline made public last week, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta prepared multiple military responses from the region at around midnight Benghazi time, more than two hours after the initial assault began. Those orders included mobilizing two special Marine platoons known as Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) from Rota, Spain, to deploy to Tripoli and Benghazi. Panetta also ordered a special operations force, training in central Europe, to deploy at the Signonella Airbase in Italy. Another special operations team based in the United States also prepared to deploy to Libya.
The CIA, however, requested none of that assistance. Neither did the State Department. None of those teams ever arrived in Benghazi.
That differs from what Fox News reported almost three weeks ago, and which has gone virtually unchallenged in the vacuum of official explanations about Benghazi since.  Jennifer Griffin reported on October 26th, citing sources that were actually “on the ground” in Benghazi during the attack, that the CIA contingent repeatedly requested assistance — but were told to “stand down” twice by officials in the CIA chain of command:
Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that three urgent requests from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. Consulate and subsequent attack nearly seven hours later were denied by officials in the CIA chain of command — who also told the CIA operators to “stand down” rather than help the ambassador’s team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.
Former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were part of a small team who were at the CIA annex about a mile from the U.S. Consulate where Ambassador Chris Stevens and his team came under attack. When they heard the shots fired, they radioed to inform their higher-ups to tell them what they were hearing. They were told to “stand down,” according to sources familiar with the exchange. An hour later, they called again to headquarters and were again told to “stand down.”
Woods, Doherty and at least two others ignored those orders and made their way to the Consulate which at that point was on fire. Shots were exchanged. The quick reaction force from the CIA annex evacuated those who remained at the Consulate and Sean Smith, who had been killed in the initial attack. They could not find the ambassador and returned to the CIA annex at about midnight.
At that point, they called again for military support and help because they were taking fire at the CIA safe house, or annex. The request was denied. There were no communications problems at the annex, according those present at the compound. The team was in constant radio contact with their headquarters. In fact, at least one member of the team was on the roof of the annex manning a heavy machine gun when mortars were fired at the CIA compound. The security officer had a laser on the target that was firing and repeatedly requested back-up support from a Specter gunship, which is commonly used by U.S. Special Operations forces to provide support to Special Operations teams on the ground involved in intense firefights. The fighting at the CIA annex went on for more than four hours — enough time for any planes based in Sigonella Air base, just 480 miles away, to arrive. Fox News has also learned that two separate Tier One Special operations forces were told to wait, among them Delta Force operators.
Morell will testify that the CIA team received two forms of military assistance, apparently on the CIA’s request, although that’s not clear — an unarmed surveillance drone and a medevac team when the CIA squad on the ground was able to extract the remaining Americans to the airport.  It’s certainly possible that this is true, and that Griffin got it wrong, even though Griffin claimed multiple sources who were on the ground during the attack.
But Morell’s explanation, as related by Lake, doesn’t make a lot of sense.  If the consulate and the CIA annex was under heavy and deliberate attack by forces using mortars and RPGs, why wouldn’t they ask for the military assistance that they knew was on standby for just this sort of contingency?  Why just ask for an unarmed surveillance drone rather than something that could potentially offer a diversion for the extraction of personnel from the consulate?  It’s difficult to imagine that the intelligence unit under fire off an on for seven hours would never have requested military assistance to save the lives of the people in the compound — not impossible, perhaps, but certainly implausible.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Has The Purge Begun?



What is the unifying element between all these senior military officers? Does it look like 1933 to you?



Sunday, November 11, 2012


courtesy Bare Naked Islam Blog

A partial list of real Hollywood heroes who suspended their careers to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces after America was attacked on December 7, 1941:

  • Eddie Albert - U.S. Navy … Saw combat on Saipan and Tarawa. Earned the Bronze Star.

  • James Arness - U.S.Army, 3rd infantry division Italy, severely wounded and left with a lifelong limp

  • Gene Autry – U.S. Army Air Corps … Flew cargo planes in China, Burma and India

  • Humphrey Bogart – U.S. Navy … Wounded in World War I, he tried to enlist after Pearl Harbor but was turned down because of his age.

  • Charles Bronson - U. S. Army tailgunner aboard a B-29 Superfortress over the skies of Japan and was also awarded the Purple Heart for wounds.

  • Mel Brooks - U.S. Army… served as a forward artillery observer

  • Johnny Carson - U.S. Navy officer

  • Jackie Coogan – U.S. Army Air Corps … Volunteered for hazardous duty with the 1st Air Commando Group

  • Tony Curtis - U.S. Navy submarine duty

  • Sammy Davis, Jr. – U.S. Army … Assigned to Special Services Command

  • Kirk Douglas - U.S. Army

  • Charles Durning - Served in very intense combat from Omaha beach to the Battle of the Bulge as a infantryman and was wounded no less than three times in a year while being awarded the silver star for valor.

  • Buddy Epsen - Coast Guard officer

  • Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. – U.S. Navy … Served on a battleship and as a commando raider. Helped to organize the forerunners of today’s Navy SEALs. Won a silver star while serving on PT Boats in combat.

  • Henry Fonda - U.S. Navy … Served aboard a destroyer in the Pacific. Earned a Bronze Star for Valor.

  • Glenn Ford – U.S. Marine Corps … Earned a number of citations and awards for combat action. After the war, he transferred his commission to the U.S. Naval Reserve.

  • John Ford (director) – U.S. Navy Rear Admiral, landed on Omaha Beach at Normandy

  • Clark Gable – U.S. Army Air Corps … Enlisted in 1942 at age 41. Volunteered for combat duty and flew missions over Germany. Earned the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal. Gable joined the Army Air Corps and led a film section making training films. Unsatisfied with this he flew on combat missions over Germany where his biggest fan Adolf Hitler placed a bounty on his head if captured alive.

  • Charlton Heston – U.S. Army Air Corps … B-25 gunner; saw action in the Pacific.

  • Hal Holbrook - Served in Canada with the Army

  • William Holden – U.S. Army Air Corps … Served 1942-1945. His brother, a U.S. Navy pilot, was killed in the Pacific in 1944.

  • Rock Hudson - U.S. Navy aircraft mechanic in the Philippines.

  • Brian Keith – U.S. Marine Corps … Saw combat on Rabal

  • Werner Klemperer – U.S. Army … Stationed in Hawaii as a Military Policeman, he auditioned for and was accepted into Maurice Evans’ Special Services unit.

  • Harvey Korman - U.S. Navy

  • Nancy Kulp – U.S. Navy … Served as a Navy WAVE

  • Bert Lancaster – U.S. Army … Served in Tunisia and Italy

  • Lee Marvin - U.S. Marine participating in the invasions at Kwajalein and Eniwetok and was wounded on Saipan

  • Ed McMahon – U.S. Marine Corps … Became a fighter pilot in 1944. Recalled to active duty in 1952 for the Korean War and flew 85 combat missions. Remained in the Air National Guard until 1966 when he retired as a Brigadier General.

  • Burgess Meredith – U.S. Army Air Corps

  • Glenn Miller – U.S. Army … Assigned to the Army Specialist Corps. Convinced the Military that he could modernize the Army Band and improve the morale of the troops. Organized the Glenn Miller Army Air Force Band. His plane disappeared on 15 December 1944 over the English Channel.

  • Robert Montgomery – U.S. Navy … Enlisted in the British Military before American joined the war and drove ambulances in France until the Dunkirk invasion. When America entered the war, he joined the U.S. Navy and served as a Naval Attaché on British destroyers hunting German U-Boats. He commanded a PT boat and participated in the D-Day invasion aboard a destroyer.

  • Wayne Morris – U.S. Navy … Flew 57 combat missions in the Pacific. Shot down seven Japanese aircraft, becoming an “Ace”. Credited with assisting the sinking of five Japanese warships.

  • Paul Newman - U.S. Navy radioman in torpedo bombers

  • Tyrone Power – U.S. Marine Corps … Enlisted immediately after Pearl Harbor. Flew wounded Marines from Iwo Jima and Okinawa.

  • Gene Raymond - Served in both World War II and Vietnam

  • Ronald Reagan – U.S. Army Air Corps … Enlisted in the Army Reserve in 1937; commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant and was called to active duty in 1942. Because of a hearing loss, he was not allowed to fly, so he was assigned to make training films.

  • Don Rickles - U.S. Navy

  • John Russell – U.S. Marine Corps … Wounded at Guadalcanal

  • Robert Ryan - U.S. Marine Corps … Served with the O.S.S. in Yugoslavia

  • Soupy Sales - U.S. Navy

  • Rod Serling – U.S. Army … Was a paratrooper with the 11th Airborne Division in the Pacific where he specialized in combat demolitions. Severely wounded by shrapnel during the invasion of the Philippines.

  • Rod Steiger - U.S. Navy

  • Jimmy Stewart – U.S. Army Air Corps … Flew B-17 and B-24 combat missions, earning the Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal, France’s Croix de Guerre and 7 Battle Stars. His son, 1st Lt. Ronald McLean, was killed in Vietnam in 1969.

  • Buddy Hackett, Jack Paar, Bob “Captain Kangaroo” Keeshan, Jack Klugman, Red Skelton, Robert Stack, Lee Van Cleef, Dick Van Dyke, also served, although they never saw combat. Musician Desi Arnaz was drafted but after being hurt in boot camp served the rest of the war helping with the USO. Dean Martin was drafted into the army and served for a year in Ohio before being found 4-F and discharged

  • These actors attempted to serve but were turned down because of medical conditions … Fred Astaire, Marlon Brando, Gary Cooper, Errol Flynn, Cary Grant, Bob Hope, Peter Lawford, Gregory Peck, George Raft, John Wayne and Richard Widmark

A complete list of Hollywood ‘heroes’ who suspended their careers to enlist in the U.S. Armed Forces after America was attacked on September 11, 2001: 


Veterans Day Salute By the Greatest President in My Lifetime.

Saturday, November 10, 2012