Thursday, January 31, 2013
No Law Could Have Done This....
Of course, sometimes the ones we have to protect ourselves from are the authority figures... like back in, say, 1775. I am sure George III would have loved a weapons ban. Oh wait, he tried...
Monday, January 28, 2013
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Playing Make Believe in Washington DC
President Barack Obama and, for that matter, most of America seem woefully ignorant about a scandal unfolding at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. As hard as it is to believe, outgoing Administrator Lisa Jackson actually appears to have had agency personnel create a fictitious employee by the name of “Richard Windsor” so that Jackson could appropriate the Windsor’s email address for her own purposes.
We’re not talking about some alias to be used for personal correspondence but a totally false identity in whose name official business was allegedly conducted created specifically to avoid federal record-keeping and disclosure requirements. And none of this would ever have been uncovered were it not for the courage of a still anonymous whistleblower and the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Christopher Horner, an attorney with the legal smarts and experience needed to unravel it all.Earlier this week, thanks to Horner’s good work, the EPA was supposed to produce the first installment of some 12,000 secret, previously undisclosed emails. Not because it wanted to but because a federal court order required it to.
Under the order, the EPA was to provide the first installment of 3,000 e-mails with three additional installments of 3,000 e-mails to follow. Rather than provide the required emails, however, EPA’s cover letter accompanying its production of emails said it “produced more than 2,100 emails received or sent” by Jackson on an official alias e-mail account.
And now the Hill reports a federal court delivered a serious blow to the Environmental Protection Agency’s renewable fuel agenda, ruling that the agency exceeded its authority by mandating refiners use cellulosic biofuels, which isn’t commercially available.
“We are glad the court has put a stop to EPA’s pattern of setting impossible mandates for a biofuel that does not even exist,” said API Group Downstream Director Bob Greco. “This absurd mandate acts as a stealth tax on gasoline with no environmental benefit that could have ultimately burdened consumers.”
So the head of the EPA, who has a make believe employee so the emails sent from that account were difficult to trace, cannot make refiners purchase make believe fuels, which don't exist except in laboratory beakers. How remarkable!
You know, the only purpose I have seen the EPA to serve is to increase the tax burden, I really haven't noticed any positive results of having that particular agency. In fact, if I think about it, there are a lot of negative effects: on small businesses, on railroad industry, on mining companies, on cities, on third world nations, dispproportionately on the poor and disadvantaged. I wonder how many people have needlessly died of diseases we can prevent by killing the carriers? The EPA outlawed the best of the insecticides decades ago, and now we have resistant strains of disease, resistant mosquitoes, and not significantly better environment. But we do have more taxes and penalties and less profit and surely in the eyes of Chicago Jesus and his cronies, that must be good. Feh, I am too disgusted to pursue this line of thought any further.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
What Does It Matter?
The cogent statement is at about the 3 minute mark...when Sec Clinton rather acidly asks why it matters what the cause of the attack on the Embassy in Benghazi was, we just need to figure out what happened and prevent its re-occurrence. Well, since she promised that the maker of the film would be brought to justice (and indeed he is the only person of interest currently in prison) it certainly matters to him. It matters to the slain heroes' families, to other military and State Department personnel, and to many of us here in America who are simply onlookers as well. It matters because the statements made by this administration were a clear effort to cover up the real reason it happened, and the people responsible for it happening. It matters because you can't figure out what happened without looking at that aspect. It matters because the lie continued for so long, even after the truth was obvious, that there must surely have been something to conceal. It matters because the truth always matters.
Sec Clinton's weak efforts to then cast the blame onto GOP lawmakers for reducing the budget has been quite adequately refuted by demonstrating the incredibly wasteful use of appropriated funds for such important things as Kindles (16 million) books (250K) art (4.5million) Pakistani democratic institutions (whatever they are) (2+ billion), climate change (1 billion) and so on. Apparently each Kindle cost over 6K! You know, I can buy a top of the line Kindle Fire HD for less than 500$.... I wonder why theirs cost so very much? But somehow, they didn't have enough money to spend on adequate security. Hm, who makes the decisions of what the dollars they are given get spent on.... it isn't the GOP legislators, they simply appropriate funds. The specifics are left to ... the State Department.
The Secretary obviously needs Calgon (or anyone) to take her away. So does America.
Sec Clinton's weak efforts to then cast the blame onto GOP lawmakers for reducing the budget has been quite adequately refuted by demonstrating the incredibly wasteful use of appropriated funds for such important things as Kindles (16 million) books (250K) art (4.5million) Pakistani democratic institutions (whatever they are) (2+ billion), climate change (1 billion) and so on. Apparently each Kindle cost over 6K! You know, I can buy a top of the line Kindle Fire HD for less than 500$.... I wonder why theirs cost so very much? But somehow, they didn't have enough money to spend on adequate security. Hm, who makes the decisions of what the dollars they are given get spent on.... it isn't the GOP legislators, they simply appropriate funds. The specifics are left to ... the State Department.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Another Sacrifice
on the altar of Obama. It appears, as I said in an earlier post, that our President is purging the upper ranks of the military of anyone who disagrees or raises uncomfortable issues or questions. Sure, some are still around, but either discredited or put where they are not often heard or have little power. The latest of these is the near legendary Marine General Mattis, USCENTCOM. Evidently he asked "what if" a few too many times in regard to our buddies over in Iran. Huh. I wonder what WonderPres has in mind? And who is next?
Sunday, January 20, 2013
They Knew They Were Wrong
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
NY State Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin made a facebook post I have quoted below (h/t weasel zippers) to demonstrate the deviousness of the NY Democrats in their secret gun control proposals so wide ranging they absolutely could not be allowed to pass. The effort to keep them hidden failed, thanks to Assemblyman McLaughlin. It is imperative we protect our Constituionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms.
"This bill was an attack on the 2nd amendment and the Democrats clearly wanted to dismantle the work of the Founding Fathers. None of these amendments were included in the final bill thanks to us fighting back. I will not stand silent while these unpatriotic proposals are pathetically thrown at us a 11 o’clock at night:
1. Confiscation of “assault weapons”
2. Confiscation of ten round clips
3. Statewide database for ALL Guns
4. Continue to allow pistol permit holder’s information to be replaced to the public
5. Label semiautomatic shotguns with more than 5 rounds or pistol grips as “assault weapons”
6. Limit the number of rounds in a magazine to 5 and confiscation and forfeiture of banned magazines
7. Limit possession to no more than two (2) magazines
8. Limit purchase of guns to one gun per person per month
9. Require re-licensing of all pistol permit owners
10. Require renewal of all pistol permits every five years
11. State issued pistol permits
12. Micro-stamping of all guns in New York State
13. Require licensing of all gun ammo dealers
14. Mandatory locking of guns at home
15. Fee for licensing, registering weapons"
Remember that laws are not meant to strip you of your rights, nor to place you at the mercy of unlawful men, either in government or out of it. They are meant to protect you. Contact your Congressmen to fight to keep it that way.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
You Reap What You Sow...
That the administration has steadfastly ignored the causes and perpetrators of the Benghazi crime has led to the totally reasonably predictable commitment of ....
the Algerian crime. So why is anyone surprised? And why isn't anyone issuing a statement challenging the administration on this as well as Benghazi? Why are the media totally ignoring the devastating consequences of the administration's incompetence, or worse, purposeful set up of the Embassy and our personnel? Has America forgotten the heroes and victims of Benghazi? I would like to think not, but I am beginning to think that Americans just don't want to think about unpleasant things. When they are forced to ( like after Sandy Hook,) they seem to want to do something to make themselves feel better, rather than actually doing something perhaps more difficult that would actually make a difference. Anything having to do with the problem of Islamic terrorism (a term no longer allowed in the administration documents) is skirted, allowed to die down, denied, explained away, or just ignored until it is cold.
How many of you have read anything in the mainstream media about the trafficking of young (11 and 12 year old) Christian girls to Muslim men? Not much out there on it, but it is a big deal... hundreds have been sold, as allowed by that oh so culturally advanced authority, the Quran.
How about the honor killings of young women who are determined by their fathers or brothers to have done something unbecoming to Islam? Or the beatings of very young children in madrassas as normal punishment for minor infractions and particularly failing to progress in their studies of Islam? Or forced marriages of young girls to older men by their own parents? Or female circumcision in Islamic enclaves even in non Islamic countries? Heard anything about the Ft Hood terrorist recently? Three years since his religiously motivated murder of people there, but no justice yet. We won't even make him comply with UCMJ regs on facial hair. We can't even call him a terrorist.
Heard about the MyJihad program? It is supposed to convince us that the term jihad really doesn't refer to violence against non Muslims, nope. It is an outreach program. Outreach. Uh huh.
No, if it has to do with Islam or terrorism, you aren't likely to read or hear much about it on CNN or the NY Times. In fact, there is a considerable effort to promote Islam and even to "dialogue" with its most vicious elements, calling them non violent, decapitated, freedom promoting and other such swill. The result of this has been to convince these elements that we are weak, lack impetus and willpower, and are in fact willing dhimmis to their cause. All in the name of not appearing to be anti Islam. Turkish PM Erdogan said it... there is no radical Islam, no moderate Islam, there is only Islam! We should be listening to him. He isn't kidding.

Will Kabul be next?
the Algerian crime. So why is anyone surprised? And why isn't anyone issuing a statement challenging the administration on this as well as Benghazi? Why are the media totally ignoring the devastating consequences of the administration's incompetence, or worse, purposeful set up of the Embassy and our personnel? Has America forgotten the heroes and victims of Benghazi? I would like to think not, but I am beginning to think that Americans just don't want to think about unpleasant things. When they are forced to ( like after Sandy Hook,) they seem to want to do something to make themselves feel better, rather than actually doing something perhaps more difficult that would actually make a difference. Anything having to do with the problem of Islamic terrorism (a term no longer allowed in the administration documents) is skirted, allowed to die down, denied, explained away, or just ignored until it is cold.
How many of you have read anything in the mainstream media about the trafficking of young (11 and 12 year old) Christian girls to Muslim men? Not much out there on it, but it is a big deal... hundreds have been sold, as allowed by that oh so culturally advanced authority, the Quran.
How about the honor killings of young women who are determined by their fathers or brothers to have done something unbecoming to Islam? Or the beatings of very young children in madrassas as normal punishment for minor infractions and particularly failing to progress in their studies of Islam? Or forced marriages of young girls to older men by their own parents? Or female circumcision in Islamic enclaves even in non Islamic countries? Heard anything about the Ft Hood terrorist recently? Three years since his religiously motivated murder of people there, but no justice yet. We won't even make him comply with UCMJ regs on facial hair. We can't even call him a terrorist.
Heard about the MyJihad program? It is supposed to convince us that the term jihad really doesn't refer to violence against non Muslims, nope. It is an outreach program. Outreach. Uh huh.
No, if it has to do with Islam or terrorism, you aren't likely to read or hear much about it on CNN or the NY Times. In fact, there is a considerable effort to promote Islam and even to "dialogue" with its most vicious elements, calling them non violent, decapitated, freedom promoting and other such swill. The result of this has been to convince these elements that we are weak, lack impetus and willpower, and are in fact willing dhimmis to their cause. All in the name of not appearing to be anti Islam. Turkish PM Erdogan said it... there is no radical Islam, no moderate Islam, there is only Islam! We should be listening to him. He isn't kidding.
Will Kabul be next?
Friday, January 18, 2013
I wonder if Mr Holder knows the definition of the word. Perhaps the phrase "Fast and Furious" rings a bell?
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Obamanomics... How Much More Can We Take?
Long Term Unemployment at Highest Level Since WWII
by Keith Koffler on January 15, 2013, 10:18 am
(partial article... full article here)
According to data recently released by the St. Louis Federal Reserve, the average duration of unemployment is now at about 40 weeks, double the previous highest level of about 20 weeks that prevailed during the last three recessions.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Monday, January 7, 2013
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
The man about to be appointed head of the CIA says that jihad is a legitimate tenet of Islam. Right. That is the man we want heading our anti terrorist organization.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Give Me Your Hand, Doc!
Tell me again that a baby isn't a baby before it pops out of the birth canal....
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Forward, Indeed!
From 1389 Blog - Counterjihad
We didn't solve a thing, we simply pushed it down the road a bit, and made it even harder to shift off the backs of the 77% who got clobbered this go round. You know, there are lots of various kinds of addictions... alcohol, gambling, sex, and yes, SPENDING. I think maybe Congress (and the American people) have a little spending problem.... what do you think?
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Laws? I Don't Need No Stinkin' Laws....
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration eased the way Wednesday for illegal immigrants who are immediate relatives of American citizens to apply for permanent residency, a change that could affect as many as 1 million of the estimated 11 million immigrants unlawfully in the U.S.
A new rule issued by the Department of Homeland Security aims to reduce the time illegal immigrants are separated from their American families while seeking legal status, immigration officials said.
Beginning March 4, when the changes go into effect, illegal immigrants who can demonstrate that time apart from an American spouse, child or parent would create “extreme hardship,” can start the application process for a legal visa without leaving the U.S.
Once approved, applicants would be required to leave the U.S. briefly in order to return to their native country and pick up their visa.
What a Great Way to Avoid the Fiscal Cliff...
Senate-Passed Deal Means Higher Tax on 77% of Households by Richard Rubin on Bloomberg
The budget deal passed by the U.S. Senate today would raise taxes on 77.1 percent of U.S. households, mostly because of the expiration of a payroll tax cut, according to preliminary estimates from the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center in Washington.More than 80 percent of households with incomes between $50,000 and $200,000 would pay higher taxes. Among the households facing higher taxes, the average increase would be $1,635, the policy center said. A 2 percent payroll tax cut, enacted during the economic slowdown, is being allowed to expire as of yesterday.
Yep, way to go Congress, tax the middle class, give yourselves a payraise, and cut spending by less than a fingernail. Great. For every dollar in spending cut, we are having our taxes raised 41 dollars. Now that seems fair, sure. Keep on spending like a profligate and increase the burden on the common man so you can do it. If our businesses ran this way, we wouldn't have to worry about it for long, they would go bankrupt, and then wouldn't have any money with which to pay taxes. Hey, wait a minute... if we planned this right, and all the businesses cooperated, we could pull this off.... it would be tough for a while, back to bartering and (shock) living rough, but I think we are in for that anyway. Maybe we would at least have the prospect of shrinking government back to its proper place, and learning to take care of each other again instead of expecting the state to do so. That is what community is for, not government. Maybe we could even relearn how to stand on our own feet again? Maybe....
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