the Algerian crime. So why is anyone surprised? And why isn't anyone issuing a statement challenging the administration on this as well as Benghazi? Why are the media totally ignoring the devastating consequences of the administration's incompetence, or worse, purposeful set up of the Embassy and our personnel? Has America forgotten the heroes and victims of Benghazi? I would like to think not, but I am beginning to think that Americans just don't want to think about unpleasant things. When they are forced to ( like after Sandy Hook,) they seem to want to do something to make themselves feel better, rather than actually doing something perhaps more difficult that would actually make a difference. Anything having to do with the problem of Islamic terrorism (a term no longer allowed in the administration documents) is skirted, allowed to die down, denied, explained away, or just ignored until it is cold.
How many of you have read anything in the mainstream media about the trafficking of young (11 and 12 year old) Christian girls to Muslim men? Not much out there on it, but it is a big deal... hundreds have been sold, as allowed by that oh so culturally advanced authority, the Quran.
How about the honor killings of young women who are determined by their fathers or brothers to have done something unbecoming to Islam? Or the beatings of very young children in madrassas as normal punishment for minor infractions and particularly failing to progress in their studies of Islam? Or forced marriages of young girls to older men by their own parents? Or female circumcision in Islamic enclaves even in non Islamic countries? Heard anything about the Ft Hood terrorist recently? Three years since his religiously motivated murder of people there, but no justice yet. We won't even make him comply with UCMJ regs on facial hair. We can't even call him a terrorist.
Heard about the MyJihad program? It is supposed to convince us that the term jihad really doesn't refer to violence against non Muslims, nope. It is an outreach program. Outreach. Uh huh.
No, if it has to do with Islam or terrorism, you aren't likely to read or hear much about it on CNN or the NY Times. In fact, there is a considerable effort to promote Islam and even to "dialogue" with its most vicious elements, calling them non violent, decapitated, freedom promoting and other such swill. The result of this has been to convince these elements that we are weak, lack impetus and willpower, and are in fact willing dhimmis to their cause. All in the name of not appearing to be anti Islam. Turkish PM Erdogan said it... there is no radical Islam, no moderate Islam, there is only Islam! We should be listening to him. He isn't kidding.
Will Kabul be next?
Reality proves false those claims of how technology would bring Islamic countries out of the dark ages. Instead it's used for terrorist attacks, kidnappings, murders, and for tracking wives in Saudi Arabia. The media again will pretend nothing happened, just like Benghazi. They've lost all credibility.