Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Pockets are Getting Empty

Graphic From the Moonbattery

anything-government-gives-youI am tired of the government reaching into my pocket and taking away the very hard won proceeds of my labors and giving it to people who don't work, have babies for a living, commit crimes for a living, entered this country illegally, etc. I do not mind extending a helping hand to those who are unable to help themselves, whom misfortune has visited, but I really object to giving money to those who are just too damn lazy to do better, or who feel they are better than others who obey the laws, wait for the system to work, and work within the system. I REALLY don't like it when the administration then lies to me about it.

It seems that there is something that happens to people in the Washington metro area, especially once they become enmeshed in the political system. They forget everything they said or thought before, and become politibots, interested only in remaining in power in the Capital. They will say or do anything it takes to stay there, even knowing that what they do is bad for America, bad for most people. They pander to small groups to get the votes to add up, distracting the uninformed from the important matters, and concentrating the media attention on emotional matters of but little import. These days, it seems the majority of Americans are willfully uninformed, willing to accept what they see on a 12 second soundbite on ABC as the gospel truth, even when last year the same show had a totally different story when it suited the right candidate. People are not willing to pay attention, become educated in issues, read significant amounts of raw data, spend enough time informing themselves on candidates and their stands.

Seem harsh? Feel insulted? The examples are legion. How many people remember how vociferously Sen Obama spoke against executive privilege, or gay marriage, or individual health care mandates, or his opinion on medical marijuana, lobbyists in the White House, public financing for campaigns, oh yes, and raising the debt limit. How about extending the Bush tax cuts? He claimed Bush violated the constitution continually with Homeland Security issues, then carried out warrantless wiretaps, indefinite detentions, kept Guantanamo Bay open, and greatly increased drone attacks, including on American citizens, claiming the power of life and death without a court order even on American soil. And that is just Obama, the rest of Washington is just the same.

I am disgusted. Utterly disgusted. Not just in politicians, either, though they are front and center, but in the people who refuse to spend the time to educate themselves so that they can make good decisions, and the people who simple panhandle for a living.

So, what will happen when the milchcow runs dry? Sooner or later, it will happen. At the rate this administration is spending, it won't be long.



  1. It's official. Your liberty is canceled until your morale improves! Here, this ought to cheer you up: "46,609,072 People on Food Stamps in 2012; Record 47,791,996 in December
    Nearly a quarter of the people living in Washington, D.C. are on the program" Thank you Democrat Lyndon Baines Johnson and your "great society" and "war on poverty"...! http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/46609072-people-food-stamps-2012_706745.html
