Monday, January 21, 2013

Another Sacrifice

on the altar of Obama.  It appears, as I said in an earlier post, that our President is purging the upper ranks of the military of anyone who disagrees or raises uncomfortable issues or questions.  Sure, some are still around, but either discredited or put where they are not often heard or have little power.  The latest of these is the near legendary Marine General Mattis, USCENTCOM.  Evidently he asked "what if" a few too many times in regard to our buddies over in Iran.  Huh.  I wonder what WonderPres has in mind?  And who is next?


  1. Wasn't he involved in the hoochie-mama situation that was tied in with Petraeus? Rank does indeed have its privileges in today's military, doesn't it? Seaman Schwantz tells a female sailor her hair looks nice and he goes to mast, but flag and general officers get their own groupies and "reporter-author" girlfriends. It's amazing what's become of the military. They're out of control because there's no proper oversight and the totally corrupt Obama and his corrupt people can't provide it. these top brass are "in the club" doing what other top level government officials are doing, but they'll get thrown under the bus in a nano second if need be.

  2. As far as I know, the only connection they have is that Gen Mattis replaced Gen Petraeus as USCENTCOM. On a high note though, Gen John Allen has been totally vindicated and his nomination as NATO commander is back on again.

  3. Roger that. I must have them confused. That means he was forced out because he wouldn't roll over and play dead for the junk going on in the Obama administration. Like court martials for troops who urinate on the body of a Taliban fighter they've just killed. If they'd had regulations like that for Germans, Japanese and Italians, we'd be speaking German right now. It's insane, and both Bush and Obama are responsible.
