Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Obamanomics... How Much More Can We Take?

Long Term Unemployment at Highest Level Since WWII

by Keith Koffler on January 15, 2013, 10:18 am
 (partial article... full article here)

Long term unemployment under President Obama is at the highest level since at least the end of World War II, threatening to create a permanent underclass of workers who will find it difficult or impossible to obtain jobs in the future. What’s more, Obama’s insistence on repeatedly extending long term unemployment benefits may be fueling the unemployment problem.
According to data recently released by the St. Louis Federal Reserve, the average duration of unemployment is now at about 40 weeks, double the previous highest level of about 20 weeks that prevailed during the last three recessions.


  1. The question is how much more can the government take from us. We're beyond the tipping point and dooming our heirs to a poverty-strewn European style socialist state. That's always been the goal of Democrats and the RINO Republicans--they've resented the strong middle class for more than half a century now and they're doing everything they can to destroy it.

  2. The numbers show the conservatives, the evangelicals, and the business owners didn't come out to vote in the numbers expected or needed this election. What would it take to motivate them?

  3. The groups you describe have been betrayed by the Republican party. It will take a new type of candidate, a Rubio, Cruz, a Nikki Haley, not a milquetoast McCain or Bush 1, 2, 3. Republicans are parading George P. Bush (he's handsome and brown you know!) around Texas and Jeb is on a speaking tour. The party learned NOTHING from 2008/12. This time I agree with Jesse Jackson: "get out the Bushes!" They're POISON for America (just like the Kennedy family) starting with Prescott--who destroyed the true patriot McCarthy. Their goal is and always will be their wealth and power, which is why they support amnesty for illegals. We need a true third party. The tea party is vilified by Democrats, Republicans and their Fifth Column--the media, because they're afraid actual citizen control of government will derail their gravy train.
